Open an annotation file and add 2 columns to find overlap according to the LENA-style overlap definition
LENA.overlap( meta_row, ChildRecordings, use_data_table = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, threads = 1 )
meta_row | : a row from the meta containing all the info of the cvs file |
ChildRecordings | : a ChildRecordings class |
use_data_table | : use the data.table package to read the .csv annotation data (depending on the operating system and the number of threads used it can be 3 to 5 times faster than 'read.csv') |
verbose | : if TRUE information will be printed out in the console |
threads | the number of threads to run in parallel |
A data.frame with 2 added columns
if (FALSE) { library(ChildRecordsR) path = "/mnt/94707AA4707A8CAC/CNRS/corpus/vandam-daylong-demo" CR = ChildRecordings(path) raw_file <- LENA.overlap(CR$all.meta[1,], CR, use_data_table = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, threads = parallel::detectCores()) head(raw_file) }