Administrative platforms

Table of contents
  1. CNRS
    1. Record your work time
    2. Request leave (both missions/personal time off/others)
    3. Teleworking
  2. ENS
    1. Define schedule
    2. Leave days
    3. Additional resources

The platform you will be using is different if you are affiliated with CNRS or ENS. If you don’t know exactly, you can ask Radhia but here are some general rules (however, there might be exceptions to those):

  • more permanent members (manager, engineers, postdoc, phd) are affiliated to CNRS.
  • interns are usually affiliated to ENS.


To access CNRS platforms, you will need ‘sesame’ credentials. If this is your first connection, go here, this assumes your email address has already been recorded by the human ressources team.

Record your work time

Depending on the nature of your contract, you may have to record your work time or not. Ask Radhia if you need to do this.

At the end of every month (before the 7th of the next month), you will need to record your worked and absence days. You should be reminded of that task by an email when the time comes. You need to use the tempo website. Log in using your sesame credentials.

  • Click on the corresponding month
  • Select your activity for each day (there is a field at the bottom of the page to affect all selected rows and save you some time).
  • Send for validation with the ‘Signer et envoyer pour validation’ button. Make sure the information is correct before sending it!

cnrs tempo website, page for entering worked time, top of the page.

cnrs tempo website, page for entering worked time, bottom of the page, affect each line and then save and send for validation.

Request leave (both missions/personal time off/others)

The CNRS uses the agate-tempo platform. Log in with your sesame credentials. You can see your balance of paid leave in the ‘Compteur(s)’ tab.

To send a new request:

  • In the ‘Absences’ section
  • select the ‘Nouvelle demande’ tab
  • choose the motive (‘mission’ or ‘formation’ time will not be deducted from yout balance)
  • Enter the dates (morning and afternoons are counted, so for examle if you only take full days, in the start date select morning and in the end date select afternoon)
  • Validate with ‘Enregistrer’

cnrs agate tempo website, 'Absences' tab, 'Nouvelle demande' and enter information to ask for leave days. 'Enregistrer' to validate.


Teleworking involves two steps

  1. Get a teleworking permission. This requires some paperwork and can be quite long to be accepted. You have to log into the ariane website (with sesame credentials). Then the request is made here. A lot of information and some paperwork is needed so please talk this through with Alex.

cnrs arian website, page for first request of telework

  1. Declare your teleworked days using agate-tempo (woth sesame credentials). In the ‘Absences’section, click the ‘Télétravail’ tab, select ‘Nouvelle demande’. Then enter the start and end date and validate (you can select ‘periodique’ for recurring telework days).

cnrs agate tempo website, 'Absences' tab, 'Télétravail' and enter information to ask for teleworked time. 'Valider' to send your request


ENS uses the HAMAC platform, to access it, go to the ‘environnement numérique de travail’ of the ENS here. Click the ‘Connexion’ button on the right of the page and enter your ENS credentials. Then in the ‘Services’ tab, click on ‘Hamac’.

ENS ENT (environnement numérique de travail) website. Login page

ENS ENT website. Access the Hamac section by selecting 'Services' tab then 'Hamac' tab then clicking on 'mon planning'

Define schedule

In order to ask for leave days, you first need to have a schedule defined and validated by your superior.

  • Go into ‘mon planning’
  • Select the corresponding academic year.
  • Click the ‘horaires’ category and ‘Saisie d’un nouvel horaire’
  • Give a name to your new schedule (e.g. horaire ens)
  • Enter your worked time for each day of the week. We advise to give a length of 3h45 for worked hours in mornings and afternoons and 7h30 each worked day to avoid taking only fractions of days/half-days when asking for leave time (as Hamac calculates leave time based on 1day=7h30 and 1/2day=3h45).
  • Save the schedule (bottom left corner)

ENS ENT website. Create a new schedule by: choosing the year, selecting 'horaires', clicking on 'saisie d un nouvel horaire'.

ENS ENT website. continue by: giving a name in the 'nom' box, putting the worked time for each weekday then validate with the 'Enregistrer' button

Now that you have a schedule created, you need to tell the system to use it for the duration of your work here:

  • Select the ‘planning’ category
  • Click on the week you start your work an ENS.
  • Choose your newly created schedule in the drop-down list
  • Check all the weeks you will be working here
  • Validate with the green checkmark

You can now send your schedule for validation to your superior, to ask for validation, click on the ‘Demande de validation’ button (in the ‘Planning’ section).

ENS ENT website. Enter your worked weeks and associate your new 'planning'to them by: clicking on the week you start your work, choose the schedule to use, ckeck the correct weeks then validate.

You will be able to ask for leave days when the schedule is validated.

Leave days

Please note that to ask for leave days, you first need to have a validated schedule.

  • In the Hamac platform, click ‘mon planning’
  • Click on the day your leave starts
  • Choose a motive for your request (personal leave is ‘congé annuel’, for justified leave, choose the reason in the drop-down list, the validation process will usually need proof to be accepted)
  • Select the end date (if it is different of the start date)
  • Validate your request

ENS ENT website. Request leave by: selecting the 'Planning' tab, click on the first day of your leave time

ENS ENT website. Then: select in the drop down list the reason, enter the start and end date, give more precision in the 'motif' box if it is a justified leave, then validate with the checkmark button.

Additional resources

You can read the ‘quite old and only in french’ excel version of how to use hamac for more detailed information here

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Language acquisition across cultures team, LSCP. DEC ENS Paris, PSL university