For everyone

Some paperwork

  • Create an account in mattermost, the system we use for most communication. To do so, ask Loann for an invite link, this will allow you to create an account and access the LAAC base channels.
  • Send Alex a message via mattermost with this information: Your name, email, start & end date, phone number
  • Write a message in mattermost in the LAAC town square channel to introduce yourself to the team. Include your name, position, work subject and a funny/unusual/interesting fact about you.
  • Download the charte informatique, sign it electronically, and upload it here.

How do you get an ENS card (& ENS email)?

  • If you are a short-term intern or visitor (<1 month), you’ll be assigned a visitor card. Ask Radhia/Alex about it. You don’t get an email address in this case.
  • If you are a longer term intern or visitor (>1 month)
    • you need to fill in this form while connected through an ethernet cable from within ENS, fill it in, sign it, and email it to the address given in the form. For any doubts, ask RAdhia about it. Then wait for an email informing you that your card is ready. In theory, this should take 3 days; but sometimes it’s longer. Once you get the email: go to 45 rue d’Ulm, enter the main building, take the left and arrive at the card service (open Monday to Friday between 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00). You will need to bring your identity card, then the ENS card will be produced to you immediately.
    • you can have an email address once you have your card. Email a copy of your contract + card to with Radhia & Alex in cc, and the following text in the body of the email:

      Bonjour, Je souhaite faire une demande formelle d’ouverture d’un compte ENS avec une adresse e-mail ENS associée. Je n’ai pas encore de compte ENS. Veuillez trouver ci-joint une copie de ma carte d’accès ENS et de mon contrat de travail signé, servants de justificatifs d’accès au bâtiment et de mon emploi au CNRS. Mon numéro de téléphone est le XXXX. Je reste à votre disposition pour toute autre question.


  • If you are not getting any emails from the team, the lab, or the department ask Radhia – we may have forgotten to put you in the relevant mailing lists. We normally do not add to mailing lists short-term interns.
  • We keep the codes for the copying machine/printer and keys private. You will need a GitHub account to view the information that we keep private. Create an account if you don’t have one and tell your handle to Loann via mattermost.
  • At the LSCP, video calls can be made in these three rooms : C401, C404 B, and Michel Dutat.

Each use must be the subject of a prior reservation to schedule via the Google calendars. If you do not have access to those, ask Alex to send you the link to join them. Use the calendar to create an event and associate it with the room’s calendar. NB : remember to put your name in the reservation. If you don’t show up within 5 mins of your start time, someone else can take over the room.

The lab environment

What’s next? select your role:

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Language acquisition across cultures team, LSCP. DEC ENS Paris, PSL university